All Articles with the Category: Education Abroad

Reminder for U.S. Passport Holders - "X" Gender Option

The UCR Education Abroad team wants to remind students who are U.S. passport holders that they have options when it comes to gender identity on their passport. Important Note on the "X" Gender Passport Option: On April 11, 2022, the United States joined a growing list of countries that allow for a third gender option...
| Education Abroad

2022 Grants for Academic Integration of Education Abroad

A special announcement from International Affairs and Education Abroad to UCR faculty: Dear Faculty Colleagues, Less than 2% of UCR undergraduate students participate in Education Abroad as part of their UCR degree. We want to increase that number and we need your help! To increase access and participation, UCR needs to reduce some of the...

Call for Nominations for International Affairs Recognition Awards

Submit your nominations today to honor UCR's outstanding international community! These awards recognize exceptional students, scholars, faculty, and staff who have had a significant impact on the international community at UCR. Their contributions help enrich the international experience at UCR and enhance UCR's global engagement. Nomination period: March 1 - March 25, 2022 Award categories...

Robert McKee Appointed Interim Campus Faculty Director of Education Abroad

Dear Faculty Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Robert “Rob” McKee as the new Interim Campus Faculty Director of Education Abroad. He assumed this role on January 3, 2022. Rob joined the UCR Bioengineering department in 2018 as a lecturer and is now an Assistant Professor of Teaching. He teaches courses in...

Reflections from Diversity Abroad's 2021 Global Student Leadership Summit

The UCR Education Abroad office annually invites UCR and non-UCR graduate students to join our team and intern with us for one year, either for academic credit and/or professional development experience. We have been fortunate to have some amazing talent contribute to our mission of marketing international opportunities and helping to diversify students that learn...
| Education Abroad

Gilman Scholarship Winners for Winter & Spring 2022

Since 2012, 537 UCR students have applied for the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship award. Of that, 149 UCR students have been awarded, totaling over $550,000. Why is Gilman, and scholarships like it, so important? “A Gilman Scholarship enables American students to gain proficiency in diverse languages and cultures, skills that are critically important...
| Education Abroad

UCR Giving Tuesday 2021

Giving Tuesday is an annual fundraising event where non-profit organizations try to raise as many funds as possible in a 24 hour period. For 2021, International Affairs hosted two fundraising efforts: one to support Education Abroad scholarships and one to support international students at UCR. Our Giving Tuesday campaign, “A Bigger Advantage - Expanding Education...

Interning in Paris: Camila Nalvarte Ique interns with film industry in France

Education Abroad Student Spotlight: Camila Nalvarte Ique Camila Nalvarte Ique is a 4th year Theatre, Film & Production major who interned abroad on the UCEAP Field Research & Internship program in Paris, France during Fall 2021. Her internship through the Institute for Field Education (IFE) completed on-site evaluations of all internships and produced a short...
| Education Abroad

Campus Interim Faculty Director - Education Abroad Job Announcement

From: Vpia Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 3:18 PM To: Subject: Campus Interim Faculty Director - Education Abroad Job Announcement Dear Campus Community, I write to invite Faculty with interest in international education to serve as the Interim Campus Faculty Director of the Education Abroad, UC Riverside Office. This position (Title Code: 900, Director)...

Celebrating Worldfest Fall 2021

Worldfest Education Abroad Fair 2021: Perspectives & Reflections from Faculty and Students UCR’s 2021 Worldfest Education Abroad Fair was mostly virtual this year, with many sessions offered by international education organizations, like CAPA, API, and JET. A session on the UCR Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP) was also hosted for students to connect 1:1 with...
| Education Abroad

Meet the Education Abroad Student Team 2021 - 2022

Each year Education Abroad is lucky to work with a fantastic group of students who serve as interns, peer advisors, and Highlander Abroad Advisory Committee (HAAC) members. They are part of our outreach efforts, so you will probably see them tabling at events, presenting to classes about Education Abroad opportunities, and connecting with student organizations...
| Education Abroad

Worldfest Education Abroad Fair

UCR Education Abroad announces the annual Worldfest Education Abroad Fair. This year the fair will be an all virtual format. Start your journey to career readiness with our Worldfest Education Abroad Fair! Join us from Tuesday, October 20 to Friday, November 6, as we host more than 60 special events focused on everything related to...
| Education Abroad

UCR Faculty-Led Education Abroad Programs for Summer 2020 have been canceled due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), March 23, 2020

As the safety and well-being of students is our first priority, UCR has been closely monitoring situations related to Coronavirus or COVID-19 on campus and around the world. Based on guidance from the University of California system restricting travel, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s recent Global Travel Notice, additional guidance from...
| Education Abroad